H.A.R.D. P.A.R.T. PUBLISHING is an independently owned and operated company and we are dedicated to not only entertaining you with our books, but educating you through them as well. We are a company that is dedicated to growth; our own as well as any and everyone who reads any material that we may put forth. We value our reputation and therefore anything that we put forth to the public will be worth the read and we can guarantee you that. At Hard Part Publishing, we are not limited to one specific genre of literature but offer a wide variety of reading material, both fiction as well as non. We have a well laid plan to grow our audience with us and as our line of books evolve to higher and higher levels of understanding, so will you.
We have one of the best in house authors that your money could buy and he alone will have you on the edge of your seats while he takes you on a journey through his mind, but we also have several carefully selected authors coming your way who are sure to wow you with their abilities in the art of storytelling. HARD PART PUBLISHING is dedicated to giving 100% of the profits from our title truth and change to the Steven E Shepherd Community Foundation. How could one expect you to spend your money with them when you never reinvest it back in some way, shape, form or fashion.
Our company’s CEO is dedicated to the young black men of the world and has spent countless time and resources seeing to it that they not only have a chance at making it, but have a model to pattern themselves after by setting the bar high to show them what can be accomplished with dedication, determination, and discipline. Welcome to H.A.R.D. P.A.R.T. PUBLISHING where our motto is: Having A Real Dream-Part of A Real Team… Enjoy!!!!